Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How to prevent Reflection FTP Client from renaming your files into lower case letters

I was so irritated once when I was using the Reflection FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Client program while transferring my programs and scripts into a Unix server. Since I use some uppercase letters on my filenames, I was surprised that the source file I wrote using windows-based applications won't compile when transferred on Unix. Initially I thought that there was something wrong with my scripting, but eventually found the culprit - the damn ftp software had renamed all my files into small case letters.

The programs setting for this action is not that easy to find and took me some time to figure out. So might  as well share this with others who might also encounter the same problem.

So here's what I did:

On the Reflection FTP Client menu select "Connection" and then click on "Site Properties".

The properties window will popup containing 6 Tabs. Click on "Transfer".

On the "Transfer" tab you will find a drop-down menu on the lower part, "Set case of 8.3 file names:Default setting is Lower (this is why my files were all renamed to lower case letters). Just select "Preserve" so that your filenames will be kept intact after the FTP transfer.

Click "Apply" and then "OK".

The automatic renaming of filenames into smaller case letters will then no longer bug you. That's how simple it is. Hope this helps!

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